

2020-12-08 09:15:39


moderate: python-pip/chrony security update




An update for python-pip/chrony is now available for NewStart CGSL MAIN 5.05/CGSL CORE 5.05.
NewStart Security has rated this update as having a security impact of moderate. A Common Vunlnerability Scoring System(CVSS)base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVElink(s) in the References section.


python-pip: pip is a package management system used to install and manage software packages written in Python. Many packages can be found in the Python Package Index (PyPI). pip is a recursive acronym that can stand for either "Pip Installs Packages" or "Pip Installs Python".
chrony: A client/server for the Network Time Protocol, this program keeps your computer's clock accurate. It was specially designed to support systems with intermittent internet connections, but it also works well in permanently connected environments. It can use also hardware reference clocks, system real-time clock or manual input as time references.

Security Fix(es):
python-pip: The urllib3 library before 1.24.2 for Python mishandles certain cases where the desired set of CA certificates is different from the OS store of CA certificates, which results in SSL connections succeeding in situations where a verification failure is the correct outcome. This is related to use of the ssl_context, ca_certs, or ca_certs_dir argument.(CVE-2019-11324)
python-pip: In the urllib3 library through 1.24.1 for Python, CRLF injection is possible if the attacker controls the request parameter.(CVE-2019-11236)
python-pip: urllib3 before version 1.23 does not remove the Authorization HTTP header when following a cross-origin redirect (i.e., a redirect that differs in host, port, or scheme). This can allow for credentials in the Authorization header to be exposed to unintended hosts or transmitted in cleartext.(CVE-2018-20060)
python-pip: A credentials-exposure flaw was found in python-requests, where if a request with authentication is redirected (302) from an HTTPS endpoint to an HTTP endpoint on the same host, the Authorization header is not stripped and the credentials can be read in plain text. A man-in-the-middle attacker could exploit this flaw to obtain a user's valid credentials.(CVE-2018-18074)
python-pip: bugfix
chrony: Multiple integer overflows in pktlength.c in Chrony before 1.29 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a crafted (1) REQ_SUBNETS_ACCESSED or (2) REQ_CLIENT_ACCESSES command request to the PKL_CommandLength function or crafted (3) RPY_SUBNETS_ACCESSED, (4) RPY_CLIENT_ACCESSES, (5) RPY_CLIENT_ACCESSES_BY_INDEX, or (6) RPY_MANUAL_LIST command reply to the PKL_ReplyLength function, which triggers an out-of-bounds read or buffer overflow. NOTE: versions 1.27 and 1.28 do not require authentication to exploit.(CVE-2012-4502)
chrony: mdmon.c in Chrony before 1.29 allows remote attackers to obtain potentially sensitive information from stack memory via vectors related to (1) an invalid subnet in a RPY_SUBNETS_ACCESSED command to the handle_subnets_accessed function or (2) a RPY_CLIENT_ACCESSES command to the handle_client_accesses function when client logging is disabled, which causes uninitialized data to be included in a reply.(CVE-2012-4503)
chrony: before 1.29.1 has traffic amplification in cmdmon protocol(CVE-2014-0021)
chrony: bugfix

For details on how to apply this update, which includes the changes described in this advisory, refer to:
Remember the build tag is 5.05.F9B3.


  • python-pip
  • chrony


  • CGSL MAIN 5.05
  • CGSL CORE 5.05


{"fix":[{"product":"CGSL MAIN 5.05","pkgs":[{"binary":["python3-pip-9.0.3-7.el7_7.noarch.rpm"],"source":"python-pip-9.0.3-7.el7_7.src.rpm"},{"binary":["chrony-3.2-2.el7.cgslv5_5.x86_64.rpm","chrony-debuginfo-3.2-2.el7.cgslv5_5.x86_64.rpm"],"source":"chrony-3.2-2.el7.cgslv5_5.src.rpm"}]},{"product":"CGSL CORE 5.05","pkgs":[{"binary":["python3-pip-9.0.3-7.el7_7.noarch.rpm"],"source":"python-pip-9.0.3-7.el7_7.src.rpm"},{"binary":["chrony-3.2-2.el7.cgslv5_5.x86_64.rpm","chrony-debuginfo-3.2-2.el7.cgslv5_5.x86_64.rpm"],"source":"chrony-3.2-2.el7.cgslv5_5.src.rpm"}]}]}

