

2021-09-24 11:21:19


important: microcode_ctl/spice security update




An update for microcode_ctl/spice is now available for NewStart CGSL MAIN 5.05/CGSL CORE 5.05.
NewStart Security has rated this update as having a security impact of important. A Common Vunlnerability Scoring System(CVSS)base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVElink(s) in the References section.


microcode_ctl: The microcode_ctl utility is a companion to the microcode driver written by Tigran Aivazian . The microcode update is volatile and needs to be uploaded on each system boot i.e. it doesn't reflash your cpu permanently, reboot and it reverts back to the old microcode.
spice: This package contains the header files, static libraries and development documentation for spice-server. If you like to develop programs using spice-server, you will need to install spice-server-devel.

Security Fix(es):
microcode_ctl: A flaw was found in the Intel Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) implementation, where a local authenticated attacker with the ability to execute AVX instructions can gather the AVX register state from previous AVX executions. This vulnerability allows information disclosure of the AVX register state.(CVE-2020-8696)
microcode_ctl: Improper isolation of shared resources in some Intel(R) Processors may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access.(CVE-2020-8698)
microcode_ctl: A vulnerability was found in Intel's implementation of RAPL (Running Average Power Limit). An attacker with a local account could query the power management functionality to intelligently infer SGX enclave computation values by measuring power usage in the RAPL subsystem.(CVE-2020-8695)
microcode_ctl: bugfix
spice: Multiple buffer overflow vulnerabilities were found in the QUIC image decoding process of the SPICE remote display system. Both the SPICE client (spice-gtk) and server are affected by these flaws. These flaws allow a malicious client or server to send specially crafted messages that, when processed by the QUIC image compression algorithm, result in a process crash or potential code execution.(CVE-2020-14355)
spice: bugfix

For details on how to apply this update, which includes the changes described in this advisory, refer to:
Remember the build tag is 5.05.F11B5.


  • microcode_ctl
  • spice


  • CGSL MAIN 5.05
  • CGSL CORE 5.05


{"fix":[{"product":"CGSL MAIN 5.05","pkgs":[{"binary":["microcode_ctl-2.1-73.2.el7_9.x86_64.rpm"],"source":"microcode_ctl-2.1-73.2.el7_9.src.rpm"},{"binary":["spice-server-devel-0.14.0-9.el7_9.1.x86_64.rpm","spice-server-0.14.0-9.el7_9.1.x86_64.rpm"],"source":"spice-0.14.0-9.el7_9.1.src.rpm"}]},{"product":"CGSL CORE 5.05","pkgs":[{"binary":["microcode_ctl-2.1-73.2.el7_9.x86_64.rpm"],"source":"microcode_ctl-2.1-73.2.el7_9.src.rpm"},{"binary":["spice-server-devel-0.14.0-9.el7_9.1.x86_64.rpm","spice-server-0.14.0-9.el7_9.1.x86_64.rpm"],"source":"spice-0.14.0-9.el7_9.1.src.rpm"}]}]}

