

2024-04-12 10:52:30


important: git security update




An update for git is now available for NewStart CGSL MAIN 5.04/CGSL CORE 5.04.
NewStart Security has rated this update as having a security impact of important. A Common Vunlnerability Scoring System(CVSS)base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVElink(s) in the References section.



Security Fix(es):
git: A vulnerability was found in Git. This security flaw occurs when feeding specially crafted input to `git apply --reject`; a path outside the working tree can be overwritten with partially controlled contents corresponding to the rejected hunk(s) from the given patch.(CVE-2023-25652)
git: A vulnerability was found in Git. This security flaw occurs when renaming or deleting a section from a configuration file, where certain malicious configuration values may be misinterpreted as the beginning of a new configuration section. This flaw leads to arbitrary configuration injection.(CVE-2023-29007)
git: A flaw was found in Git, a distributed revision control system. When parsing gitattributes, a mechanism to allow defining attributes for paths, multiple integer overflows can occur when there is a huge number of path patterns, attributes for a single pattern, or declared attribute names. These overflows can be triggered via a crafted `.gitattributes` file that may be part of the commit history. Git silently splits lines longer than 2KB when parsing gitattributes from a file, but not when parsing them from the index. Consequentially, the failure mode depends on whether the file exists in the working tree, the index, or both. This integer overflow can result in arbitrary heap reads and writes, which may allow remote code execution.(CVE-2022-23521)
git: A flaw was found in Git, a distributed revision control system. This issue occurs due to an integer overflow in `pretty.c::format_and_pad_commit()`, where a `size_t` is stored improperly as an `int`, and then added as an offset to a `memcpy()`. This overflow can be triggered directly by a user running a command which invokes the commit formatting machinery (e.g., `git log --format=...`). It may also be triggered indirectly through the git archive via the export-subst mechanism, which expands format specifiers inside files within the repository during a git archive. This integer overflow can result in arbitrary heap writes, which may allow arbitrary code execution.(CVE-2022-41903)
git: bugfix

For details on how to apply this update, which includes the changes described in this advisory, refer to:
Remember the build tag is 5.04.F54B2.


  • git


  • CGSL MAIN 5.04
  • CGSL CORE 5.04


{"fix":[{"product":"CGSL MAIN 5.04","pkgs":[{"binary":["git-bzr-","git-instaweb-","git-svn-","git-gui-","git-all-","git-cvs-","git-email-","perl-Git-","perl-Git-SVN-","git-debuginfo-","gitweb-","git-","git-daemon-","git-gnome-keyring-","git-p4-","gitk-","git-hg-","emacs-git-el-","emacs-git-"],"source":"git-"}]},{"product":"CGSL CORE 5.04","pkgs":[{"binary":["git-bzr-","git-instaweb-","git-svn-","git-gui-","git-all-","git-cvs-","git-email-","perl-Git-","perl-Git-SVN-","git-debuginfo-","gitweb-","git-","git-daemon-","git-gnome-keyring-","git-p4-","gitk-","git-hg-","emacs-git-el-","emacs-git-"],"source":"git-"}]}]}

